I'm making an annotation processor for encrypting personal data due to law. So in order to encrypt those field it should be able to set new value so I want my annotation to force using only on a var property.
@Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY, AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_SETTER)
annotation class PersonalData {
data class CreateAccountCommand(
var fullname: String // it would throw an error if using val since it's not mutable
class TestAnnotation {
fun testFindAnnotation() {
val message = EasyRandom().nextObject(CreateAccountCommand::class.java)
val wrappedCommand = GenericCommandMessage.asCommandMessage<CreateAccountCommand>(message)
if (isPersonalDataPresent(wrappedCommand.payload)) {
wrappedCommand.payload.fullname shouldContain "-encrypted"
private fun isPersonalDataPresent(payload: Any): Boolean {
return payload::class.memberProperties.any {
it.annotations.any { ann -> ann.annotationClass == PersonalData::class }
private fun encryptData(payload: Any) {
payload::class.memberProperties.map {
if (it is KMutableProperty<*>) {
it.setter.call(payload, "${it.getter.call(payload)}-encrypted")
or any better way?
If you only include PROPERTY_SETTER
in the annotation targets, the annotation can only be applied to property setters, which is effectively what you want - since a property setter implies a mutable property.
annotation class PersonalData
When using this annotation, you'd usually have to specify the use site target:
data class CreateAccountCommand(
var fullname: String
Changing it to val
would give you an error, just like you expect, because a val
does not have a setter.
also needs a little modification, to check whether the setter has the annotation:
return payload::class.memberProperties
.any {
it.setter.annotations.any { ann ->
ann.annotationClass == PersonalData::class