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SQL Parse Json array to rows

I'm trying to parse the 'custinfo' array to rows, rather than specific columns how I have in my query (there can be none or many values in the array)

     DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(MAX) ='{
  "customer": [
      "id": "123",
      "history": [
          "id": "a123",
          "dates": [
              "date": "2022-03-19",
              "details": {
                "custinfo": [
                "age": 40            
    JSON_VALUE ( j.[value], '$.id' ) AS CustId,
  JSON_VALUE ( m.[value], '$.id' ) AS CustId_Hist,
   JSON_VALUE ( a1.[value], '$.date' ) AS date,
   JSON_VALUE ( a1.[value], '$.details.age' ) AS age,
   JSON_VALUE ( a1.[value], '$.details.custinfo[0]' ) AS custinfo0,
   JSON_VALUE ( a1.[value], '$.details.custinfo[1]' ) AS custinfo1
FROM OPENJSON( @json, '$."customer"' ) j
 CROSS APPLY OPENJSON ( j.[value], '$."history"' ) AS m
  CROSS APPLY OPENJSON ( m.[value], '$."dates"' ) AS a1

Desired results:

enter image description here


  • Like I mentioned in the comments, I would switch to using WITH clauses and defining your columns and their data types. You can then also get the values, into 2 separate rows you want, with the following. Note tbhe extra OPENJSON at the end, which treats the custinfo as the array it is; returning 2 rows (1 for each value in the array):

      "customer": [
          "id": "123",
          "history": [
              "id": "a123",
              "dates": [
                  "date": "2022-03-19",
                  "details": {
                    "custinfo": [
                    "age": 40            
    SELECT AS CustId,
  AS CustId_Hist,
  AS date,
           d.age AS age,
           ci.[value] AS custinfo
    FROM OPENJSON( @json,'$.customer')
         WITH (id int,
               history nvarchar(MAX) AS JSON) c
         CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (c.history)
                     WITH (id varchar(10),
                           dates nvarchar(MAX) AS JSON) h
         CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (h.dates) 
                     WITH(date date,
                          details nvarchar(MAX) AS JSON,
                          age int '$.details.age') d
         CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(d.details,'$.custinfo') ci;