The class Maze
instanciates an 2D boolean-Array with the method: generateMaze(int width, int height)
which has to be used in Walker
The method-call to create the boolean[][] happens at the main
of the Walker class
My aim is to call the boolean[ ][ ]-Array with walk(Maze maze),
the input for the method has to be the Maze-Object, not the actual boolean[ ][ ].
I do not understand how to call it, there has to be a way to call it with an object instance of an Maze-Object.
public final class Maze{
public static boolean[][] generateMaze(int width, int height) {
boolean[][] mazeArray = new boolean[width][height];
for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ ) {
mazeArray[x][0] = true;
for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) {
mazeArray[0][y] = true;
return mazeArray;
public boolean[][] getBooleanArray() {
return generateMaze(2,2);
public class Walker {
public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean[][] maze = Maze.generateMaze(2,2);
Walker walker = new Walker();
Maze mazeObj = new Maze();
walker.walk( mazeObj );
public void walk(Maze maze) {
// This call doesnt work. Why?
System.out.println( mazeObj.maze[0][0] );
Pretty much everything is wrong with the provided code, as far as what I think you are trying to achieve boolean[][] maze
should be a instance variable for your maze
objects, getBooleanArray()
is completely redundant, and the work you want done when initializing a new object should be under the constructor. Additionally the final declaration for Maze
class does't really make sense in this context, but I can't comment on that as I don't know about the rest of your program.
A possible fix with explanations is provided below:
public class Maze{
/** Declare a new mazeArray instance variable (variables that are
* attributes of specific instances of the class). It is common to
* declare the instance variables private and manage access via
* public accessor methods. See below for the accessor method.
private boolean[][] mazeArray;
/** Move the contents of the generateMaze to the constructor,
* constructors are called when a new object is being instantiated.
* (basically when you call new <ClassName>()), you do not have to
* return the mazeArray anymore as it will be accessed via an
* accessor method.
public Maze(int width, int height) {
mazeArray = new boolean[width][height];
for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ ) {
mazeArray[x][0] = true;
for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) {
mazeArray[0][y] = true;
/** This is the accessor method that will be
* used by the outside world to access
* the mazeArray field
public getMazeArray() {
return mazeArray;
also the Walker
class is faulty in the way that in terms of object oriented programming.
public class Walker {
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Calling new Maze() create a Maze object with the private
* boolean[][] mazeArray that you can access with the same
* object's getMazeArray() method.
Maze maze = new Maze();
/** I don't know if you will have multiple Walker objects in your
* program, depending on that decision you might want to make this
* method non-static but for now this will suffice
public static walk(Maze maze) {
boolean[][] mazeArray = maze.getMazeArray();
Also you don't seem to be using Java properly, and as someone who was at the same place a couple of years ago I would recommend Head First Java as a good place to start reading. Also you might want to linearize your 2D array to prevent later performance issues depending on where your project is headed.