I have to click checkbox for term & conditions. I have used .click()
and .check
in my code. But when I am running the code, it's clicking on the terms & conditions and it's redirecting to another page. can you suggest any help.
below is my html
When I hover mouse to ::before
and ::after
checkbox is highlighting.
await this.page.locator('#lb-confirm').click()
await this.page.locator('#lb-confirm').check
Edit: I have tried with jquery in console and able to click checkbox.
with above code, how can I convert to playwright code.
I have tried with below code
await page.locator(''#dr-cb-confirm').click()
.. Playwright was tried to click and but not finally it was exited from execution.
I found the solution. Since I was unable to click checkbox, I have jQuery to click the checkbox $('#dr-cb-confirm').trigger('click')
. When I want to call the jQuery command in playwright I have installed jQuery library using npm i --save-dev @types/jquery
Then I have updated my code with jQuery
await this.page.evaluate(() => $('#dr-cb-confirm').trigger('click'))