I'm using Excel 2016 and try to filter a simple table based on values across all rows and columns. Let's assume the following table:
ID | Customer | Work |
1 | Nancy | Inspection |
2 | Peter | Inspection |
3 | Peter | Inspection |
4 | Anna | Inspection |
5 | Nancy | Tire Change |
6 | Anna | Inspection |
7 | Tom | Tire Change |
8 | Anna | Tire Change |
9 | Anna | Tire Change |
I want to know only the customers, that had only an inspection. As soon as they had a tire change in addition to an inspection or only a tire change (like Tom), they should be filtered out.
So the result should look like this:
ID | Customer | Work |
2 | Peter | Inspection |
3 | Peter | Inspection |
Peter is the only one left, because across all rows he only had an inspection and nothing else.
I tried multiple ways for filtering duplicates and different logics, but it seems it won't be solvable without a vlookup or similar, to which I'm not used to.
Well, this works:
In cell F2;
In cell G2:
=IF(COUNTIFS($B$2:$B$10,F2,$C$2:$C$10,"Inspection")-COUNTIFS($B$2:$B$10,F2,$C$2:$C$10,"Tire Change")>=1,1,"")
In cell A15:
In cell B15:
So edit it as you wish. You can add another index() with match() to get the ID...
Deconstructing the formulae will help you understand how it works.