I want to write a unit test that opens an antd. Collapse <Panel />
But no matter what combination of fireEvent or userEvent mouse actions I try, I cannot get React testing library to properly "click" on this antD component the same way a real user does.
Example code:
import { Collapse } from 'antd'
const { Panel } = Collapse
const Example = () => (
<Panel header="test" data-testid="testid">hello_world</Panel>
and in my unit test:
I have tried the following combinations to open the Panel with the header "test"
const panel = screen.getByText('test')
const result = screen.getByText('hello_world') // FAILED and never finds hello_world
const panel = screen.getByText('test')
const result = await screen.findByText('hello_world') // FAILED and never finds hello_world
const panel = screen.getByText('test')
const result = await screen.findByText('hello_world') // FAILED and never finds hello_world
const panel = screen.getByText('test')
const result = await screen.findByText('hello_world') // FAILED and never finds hello_world
const panel = screen.getByText('test')
await act(async () => {
const result = await screen.findByText('hello_world') // FAILED and never finds hello_world
const panel = screen.getByText('test')
await act(async () => {
await waait(500) // using waait library, to force time to pass to see if it was that...
const result = await screen.findByText('hello_world') // FAILED and never finds hello_world
const panel = screen.getByTestId('testid')
fireEvent.click(panel) // FAILED, never finds anything with data-testid="testid"
// I guess antd did not bother passing the test-id to the component.
const result = await screen.findByText('hello_world')
This is what the HTML looks like:
class="ant-collapse ant-collapse-icon-position-left css-14dabdk"
I did also try to use querySelector
on container
to target .ant-collapse-header
, ant-collapse-item
or .ant-collapse
with userEvent.click and fireEvent.mouseDown. But those didn't work either.
Why is this thing so difficult to open in a test 🤯.
Does anyone know how to open and antD Collapse component?
Using user-event
, you can try:
await userEvent.click(screen.getByText(/test/i))
Or click the button, like:
await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button"))
Then you can use findByText
expect(await screen.findByText(/hello_world/i)).toBeInTheDocument();