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C# - Program without a Window

I'm wondering whether it is possible to 'turn off' my main Window from loading automatically when my program starts with a command-line argument (i.e. when a file name is passed). The problem I have is that my program loads when a file associated with it is clicked, but does so by opening another main window and using that. The problem I have is that the program still launches the MainWindow afterwards, thus opening two Windows, one with the file contents and one that is empty.

How do I prevent the blank Window? As I see it, I either stop it from opening the main Window, close the main Window or make the program pass the file to the main Window. My problem is that I don't know which of these would be the best or how to to do it.

This is the code:

    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
        if (e.Args != null && e.Args.Count() > 0)
            this.Properties["ArbitraryArgName"] = e.Args[0];

        if (Application.Current.Properties["ArbitraryArgName"] != null)

            string fname = Application.Current.Properties["ArbitraryArgName"].ToString();
            MainWindow mw = new MainWindow();


My solution is at the bottom.


  • I assume you use WPF? You'll want to replace the entry point (Main) that WPF supplies for you. Then, you can start WPF or not depending on the command-line arguments. See this question for more info:

    Replacing the WPF entry point