I'm trying to write a script where part of it is to find out if there is an image in the objects selected, or the objects are empty shapes.
I need to check if the files of the selection are all images, all shapes or are mixed.
I've put together this code with alerts (the final code will not be with alerts, it's for understanding purposes):
if (app.selection.length == 0) {
alert ("Nothing selected");
else {
for (var i = 0; i < app.selection.length; i++) {
if ((app.selection[i].graphics.length == 0) && (app.selection[i].graphics.length == 1)) {
alert ("The files are mixed");
else if (app.selection[i].graphics.length == 1) {
alert ("The files are images");
else if (app.selection[i].graphics.length == 0) {
alert ("The files are shapes");
Obviously the code is not working as intended (it works for the images and the shapes, while I already know the mixed part it's not written correctly), since my searches have been inconclusive.
What I'm looking for is: if nothing is selected (do something), else if the files are shapes and images (do something only to the shapes), else if there are only images (do something), else if there are only shapes (do something).
Can someone give me an idea on how to do it?
Basically the algo can be something like this:
var sel = app.selection;
if (sel.length == 0) alert('Nothing selected');
else {
var images = sel.pop().graphics.length > 0;
var mixed = false;
while (sel.length) {
if ((sel.pop().graphics.length > 0) != images) {
mixed = true;
if (mixed) alert('Mixed');
else {
if (images) alert('Images');
else alert('Shapes');
But it doesn't handle groups.
If you just want to get shapes (and omit images) from the selection it can be done this way:
var sel = app.selection;
if (sel.length == 0) { alert('Nothing selected'); exit() }
var shapes = [];
for (var i=0; i<sel.length; i++)
if (sel[i].graphics.length == 0) shapes.push(sel[i]);
if (shapes.length > 0) do_something(shapes);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
function do_something(shapes) {
alert('Here we go...');
app.selection = shapes;
// do stuff...
Or a short variant (just to deselect images):
var sel = app.selection;
for (var i=0; i<sel.length; i++)
if (sel[i].graphics.length > 0) sel[i].select(SelectionOptions.REMOVE_FROM);
Update 2
Here is the code that does as follows:
var sel = app.selection;
if (sel.length == 0) fn_nothing();
else {
var images = sel.pop().graphics.length > 0;
var mixed = false;
while (sel.length) {
if ((sel.pop().graphics.length > 0) != images) {
mixed = true;
if (mixed) fn_mixed();
else {
if (images) fn_images();
else fn_shapes();
function fn_nothing() {
function fn_images() {
function fn_shapes() {
function fn_mixed() {
function select_shapes() {
var sel = app.selection;
while (sel.length) {
var item = sel.pop();
if (item.graphics.length > 0)
alert('Select shapes');
function color_shapes_white() {
alert('Color shapes white')
function create_white_rectangle() {
alert('Create a white rectangle');