I am trying to setup Logstash to feed Elasticsearch. In course, I've created the following conf file that seem to work nicely:
input {
beats {
port => 5044
file {
path => "C:/f1/f2/Logs/f3/LocalHost#base#iway_2022-03-28T10_45_15.log"
filter {
grok {
match => {
"message" => [
".%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timeStamp}. %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} .(W.)%{DATA:thread}.%{INT:thread_pool}. %{GREEDYDATA:msgbody}",
".%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timeStamp}. %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} .%{DATA:thread}. %{GREEDYDATA:msgbody}"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["https://localhost:9200"]
index => "iway_logs"
user => "elastic"
password => "something"
cacert => "C:\f1\f2\logstash-8.1.3\config\cert\elasticsearch_http_ca.crt"
I have been trying to add two new fields but unsuccessful so far. Following is the current version of the conf file after several revises.
input {
beats {
port => 5044
file {
path => "C:/f1/f2/Logs/f3/LocalHost#base#iway_2022-03-28T10_45_15.log"
filter {
grok {
match => {
"message" => [
".%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timeStamp}. %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} .(W.)%{DATA:thread}.%{INT:thread_pool}. %{GREEDYDATA:msgbody}",
".%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timeStamp}. %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} .%{DATA:thread}. %{GREEDYDATA:msgbody}"
grok {
match => {
"path" => "%{GREEDYDATA}/%{GREEDYDATA:filename}\.log"
mutate {
split => { "filename" => "#" }
add_field => { "serverName" => "%{[filename][0]}" }
add_field => { "configName" => "%{[filename][1]}" }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["https://localhost:9200"]
index => "iway_logs"
user => "elastic"
password => "something"
cacert => "C:\f1\f2\logstash-8.1.3\config\cert\elasticsearch_http_ca.crt"
The result of new fields namely, serverName and configName, always reports the raw expression as opposed to an evaluated output. Could someone help? TIA.
You should probably leverage the dissect
filter for that, like this:
filter {
if [path] {
dissect {
mapping => {
"path" => "C:/f1/f2/Logs/f3/%{serverName}#%{configName}#%{?ignore}.log"
If you have ECS compatibility enabled, the path
field is called [log][file][path]
, so your config should be this one instead:
filter {
if [log][file][path] {
dissect {
mapping => {
"[log][file][path]" => "C:/f1/f2/Logs/f3/%{serverName}#%{configName}#%{?ignore}.log"