I'm learning about Elasticsearch and the Java Client API (currently just following the documentation), it works well but I'm wondering if it's possible to return the whole search response from a query back? So far I only get back the "_source" part from the hits containing the three class variables. Which is good but I want to try one with the whole response like I would see in the Kibana console. Here are my classes and REST points:
Client configuration:
public class ClientConf {
RestClient restClient = RestClient.builder(new HttpHost("localhost", 9200)).build();
ElasticsearchTransport transport = new RestClientTransport(restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper());
ElasticsearchClient client = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);
The class where the queries take place:
public class ElasticSearcher {
ClientConf conf;
public List<Product> searchByType(String type) throws Exception{
List<Product> returnProduct = new ArrayList<Product>();
//searches EXACT term
SearchResponse<Product> search = conf.client.search(s -> s
.query(q -> q
.term(t -> t
.value(v -> v.stringValue(type))
List<Hit<Product>> hits = search.hits().hits();
for (Hit<Product> hit: hits) {
return returnProduct;
public void indexProduct(String type, String name, double price) throws ElasticsearchException, IOException {
Product product = new Product(type, name, price);
// I was just trying both variants here
// IndexResponse response=conf.client.index(i->i
// .index("test")
// .document(product)
// );
IndexRequest<Product> request = IndexRequest.of(i -> i
IndexResponse response = conf.client.index(request);
public Product getById(String id) throws ElasticsearchException, IOException {
Product product=null;
GetResponse<Product> response = conf.client.get(g -> g
if (response.found()) {
product = response.source();
return product;
//this is the one I'm trying to return entire responses with:
public SearchResponse matchNameSearch(String text) throws ElasticsearchException, IOException{
SearchResponse response = conf.client.search(s -> s
.query(q -> q
.match(t -> t
return response;
Edit: if I call upon matchNameSearch (I test with Postman), it returns an empty object. I assumed by returning response
, which is a SearchResponse class would give me the entire response?
the object class I'm using:
//I have lombok
public class Product {
private String type;
private String name;
private double price;
public Product() {
public Product(String type, String name, double price) {
Lastly, the rest endpoints:
public class SearchController {
ElasticSearcher searcher;
public List<Product> searchByType(@PathVariable("type") String type) throws Exception {
return searcher.searchByType(type);
public void indexProduct(@PathVariable("type") String type,
@PathVariable("name") String name,
@PathVariable("price") String price) throws ElasticsearchException, IOException {
searcher.indexProduct(type, name, Double.parseDouble(price));
public Product searchById(@PathVariable("id") String id) throws ElasticsearchException, IOException {
return searcher.getById(id);
//this is the one:
public SearchResponse matchText(@PathVariable("text") String text) throws ElasticsearchException, IOException{
return searcher.matchNameSearch(text);
Any pointers in improving the code is also welcome. I have no prior knowledge to how the (now deprecated) high rest client worked, so I don't actually know what the best way to build this kind of application is.
You can get that using the SearchResponse<>
class , You are using the product
class to map the hits
section of the search response of the JSON api, but it has all the metadata which you get on Kibana(Kibana also provides the JSON output of search API).
Below is the sample fields in the SearchResponse
class, and you can notice its similar to Search JSON output.
public class SearchResponse<TDocument> implements JsonpSerializable {
private final long took;
private final boolean timedOut;
private final ShardStatistics shards;
private final HitsMetadata<TDocument> hits;
private final Map<String, Aggregate> aggregations;
private final ClusterStatistics clusters;
private final Map<String, JsonData> fields;
private final Double maxScore;
private final Long numReducePhases;
private final Profile profile;
private final String pitId;
private final String scrollId;
private final Map<String, List<Suggestion<TDocument>>> suggest;
private final Boolean terminatedEarly;