I have an array of arrays of two strings.
var array = new String[][]{
{"a", "1"},
{"a", "2"},
{"b", "3"},
How can I collect the above array into a Map<String, Set<String>>
whose key is the first element of each array and the value is a set of second elements of the array?
So that I get following map?
// Map<String, Set<String>>
<"a", ["1, "2"]>,
<"b", ["3"]>,
So far, I found I can classify the first element of each array like this.
a -> ((String[])a)[0],
// how can I collect the downstream?
You need a Collectors.mapping
(also you don't need to specify String[]
var array = new String[][]{{"a", "1"}, {"a", "2"}, {"b", "3"},};
Map<String, Set<String>> res = Arrays.stream(array).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(
a -> a[0],
Collectors.mapping(a -> a[1], Collectors.toSet())
System.out.println(res); // {a=[1, 2], b=[3]}