I have Two Cucumber scenarios. On each sceanrio I want to use the same random_document
in my Steps class I have:
public class PatientCreateSteps {
private final String RANDOM_DOCUMENT='ABC'+RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic
#in the featurefile:
Scenario: Add patient documentation
@When ("StepsFromScenarioI)
Scenario: Update patients documentaion
Is it possible to change something to not generating new RANDOM_DOCUMENT in the second class?
It depends on what you are trying to do. If you want the same random string in all scenarios in a single test run you could make it static.
public class PatientCreateSteps {
private static final String RANDOM_DOCUMENT='ABC'+RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic
But if you are trying to share a specific document between two scenarios you can not do that.
Consider creating it from scratch and specifying what exactly needs to be the same. For example
Scenario: A patient with a document
Given a patient
And a document for that patient
Scenario: A patient with the same document as another patient
Given a patient
And a document for that patient that is the same as another patients document
Here after creating the patient you'd create a second patient and give him a document, the give the first patient a copy of the second patients document.
This may sound in efficient. Especially if you're used to manually test things. But computers are pretty fast and/or can do things in parallel. So it's more important to keep each scenario independent.