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Cannot login to Agora RTM with Swift

So I am attempting to implement Agora RTM within my SwiftUI app. Below is the code I am using to attempt to log on but I keep getting error code 3. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

class AgoraChatOO: NSObject, ObservableObject {
    @Published var chatMessages: [ChatMessage] = []
    @Published var kit: AgoraRtmKit?
    @Published var rtmChannel: AgoraRtmChannel?
    func updateKit(appId: String, delegate: AgoraRtmDelegate, channelDelegate: AgoraRtmChannelDelegate) {
            kit = AgoraRtmKit(appId: appId, delegate: delegate)

            guard let kit = kit else { return }
        kit.login(byToken: "my temp token", user: { [unowned self] (error) in
                if error != .ok {
                    print("Error logging in: ", error.rawValue)
                } else {
                    self.rtmChannel = kit.createChannel(withId: "testChannel", delegate: channelDelegate) //This is the AgoraRtmChannelDelegate, which must be set to get messageReceived, memberLeft, and memberJoined callbacks.
                    self.rtmChannel?.join(completion: { (error) in
                        if error != .channelErrorOk {
                            print("Error joining channel: ", error.rawValue)

I have tried setting the token parameter to nil to test and have guaranteed a fresh one when I have tested with one as above.


  • Ok this one was rather easy after all. Only certain characters are allowed for the user parameter string, and a character limit is also enforced. Changing to a more simple string corrected the issue (thanks Matt Frazer for you suggestion).