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Decompile apk game built in corona sdk

A long time ago, I and a friend did a mini-game with corona sdk. We lost the source code and this week I finded the apk lost here.

I tried extract the .apk with ApkTool ( and I got the imagens and sounds inside the assets folder. also inside it, I have a file compiled, but when open with notes I can see a little of the lua code. I think it's the code file.


I can extract the code? How to do that? We really wish to continue developing the game.


  • The is a Corona specific archive.

    Using it can be extracted.

    Corona compiles the Lua files, file file.lua returns Lua 5.1 but most decompiler fail for unknown reasons.

    The software unluac ( managed to decompile all files. game.lua has an invalid goto location but aside that all files should execute. Untested as I do not have Corona installed.

    Here is the decompiled source

    Since the code is barely readable after decompile, you may need to rewrite it anyways, but maybe you can confirm whether it works.