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What is the use of java.util.concurrent.FutureTask if it blocks main?

I am rather new to learning java.util.concurrent. While implementing a basic program (below) it's clear that the main thread waits for Callable to return a value.

    public class FutureTaskTutorial {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
        FutureTask futureTask = new FutureTask(new MyCallable());
        Thread thread = new Thread(futureTask);
        System.out.println("main thread done!");

class MyCallable implements Callable<String>{

    public String call() throws Exception {
        return "Callable task done!";

Output: <after 5 seconds>

Callable task done!

main thread done!

My question is: If my callable is going to block main thread and asynchronous behaviour is not going to be achieved, what is the point of using a FutureTask?


  • FutureTask#get may be blocking, however the usecase of FutureTasks is to periodically check if they are done while still executing the rest of the main-method. For example:

    FutureTask<Object> task = new FutureTask<>( () ->
      Thread.sleep( 1_000 );
      return "Hello world";
    } );
    Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute( task );
    boolean doMainWork = true;
    while( doMainWork )
      if( task.isDone() )
        System.out.println( task.get() );
        doMainWork = false;
      System.out.println( "Main working " + task.isDone() );
      Thread.sleep( 500 );