I posted this here because I am relatively new to React and didn't know what exactly should I google. In my React project, I have a kendo grid that has a custom column named OPTIONS, like this:
<Grid onDataStateChange={onDataStateChange}
{...{skip:0, take:13}}>
<GridColumn cell={CommandCell} title="Options"/>
<GridColumn field="session_id" title="Session" filter='text'/>
<GridColumn field="sn_zag_id" title="Service" filter='text'/>
The Option column is defined like this:
const [visible2, setVisible2] = useState(false);
const [snZagId, setSnZagId] = useState();
const toggleDialogPrilog = (props) => {
const CommandCell = (props) => <Options {...props}/>
const Options= (props) => {
return <td className="k-command-cell">
<div style={{marginTop:'2%'}}>
<Button style={{width:'8vw',marginTop:'2%'}}
{ visible2 &&
<Dialog onClose={()=> toggleDialogPrilog()} title={"Add"} style={{width:'50%'}}>
<Prilog snZagId={snZagId}/>
So, In the option column I have a button ADD that, when it's clicked, opens a Dialog with PRILOG component inside it. The grid that I am talking about is big, made up of pages of 13 rows. Everything works perfectly, so when I click on the Add button, the dialog is open with custom material for that row. But the thing is, if I open the console/inspect, I can see that when I click add, 13 dialogs are open at the same time:
I am aware to some point that when I click Add, all dialogs are rendered bcz I send props, but I don't know how to stop it. In other words, how can I modify my code so that only one(1) dialog opens when I click Add?
I managed to solve the problem somehow, but I don't know what exactly is the difference. Instead of putting the Options component in the same jsx file, I made another component named SessionOptions like this:
import SessionOptions from '../../Popup/SesijaOpcije';
const CommandCell = (props) => <SessionOptions props={props}/>;
export default function SessionOptions({props}) {
return <td className="k-command-cell">
<div style={{marginTop:'2%'}}>
<Button style={{width:'8vw',marginTop:'2%'}}
{ visible2 &&
<Dialog onClose={()=> toggleDialogPrilog()} title={"Add"} style={{width:'50%'}}>
<Prilog snZagId={snZagId}/>
And now it opens just one dialog. The only difference that I clearly see is in sending the props
const CommandCell = (props) => <Options {...props}/>
const CommandCell = (props) => <SessionOptions props={props}/>;
The first one is property spread notation, and the second one is...? Can anybody explain the difference. If anybody could clearify more.