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Pre-condition Summary and Description when Exported from Jira are not mapped to Cucumber Background Title and Description section

While importing Cucumber feature files to Xray, Background Title and Description are mapped to Pre-condition Summary and Description fields but when exporting a pre-condition issue from Xray it's Summary and Description are not copied over to Cucumber Background Title and Description section. Is this not implemented yet or is this a bug?

enter image description here

Using Jira DC v8.9.0 and Xray v6.1.3


  • It's not a bug; it follows these rules. The Background section doesn't have a title; AFAIK the Gherkin specification doesn't support that (see example here). The reason for it may be that a Feature can only have a Background, therefore it wouldn't make sense to assign it a name (my guess). Having the description of the Precondition as a comment on the Background may be feasible to implement; it has to be analyzed by the Xray team. Please contact Xray support team and ask for an improvement request, with a concrete example.