Search code examples

Get query parameters that aren't dynamic route parameters in next.js

I have a component that needs to copy all of the query parameters from the URL. However I do not want to copy dynamic route parameters. So if it is used in a component like: /pages/model/{modelId}.tsx and the url is /model/123456?page=2&sort=column&column=value, I would like to retrieve the following object:

  page: 2,
  sort: "column",
  column: "value"

I would use useRouter().query but this would include modelId. And the router object doesn't seem to have any other list of parameters.

So how would I distinguish regular URL parameters from dynamic route parameters?


  • Why not use the built-in URL API instead:

    const url = new URL(window.location.href);
    url.searchParams.get("page"); // a string or null if not present

    Going a little further, you could also wrap this in a hook for future use.

    If you want the search parameters as an object, you could wrap it in Object.fromEntries too:

    const params = Object.fromEntries(new URL(window.location.href).searchParams);; // string or undefined now