I'm looking for a way to create a one-to-many relationship using room. I've seen several examples with two approaches. I don't fully understand them. I didn't write full DAO yet, so maybe I'm missing something there.
Approach 1 with @Embedded
As in this documentation, the relation is done via @Embedded tag. In this scenario is not needed to set a ForeignKey? How to do a ondelete cascade if needed?
data class User(
@PrimaryKey val userId: Long,
val name: String,
val age: Int
data class Playlist(
@PrimaryKey val playlistId: Long,
val userCreatorId: Long,
val playlistName: String
data class UserWithPlaylists(
@Embedded val user: User,
parentColumn = "userId",
entityColumn = "userCreatorId"
val playlists: List<Playlist>
Does the UserWithPlaylists needs the @Entity tag?
Approach 2 with @ForeignKey
data class User(
@PrimaryKey val userId: Long,
val name: String,
val age: Int
@Entity(foreignKeys = [ForeignKey(entity = SeriesGroup::class,
parentColumns = arrayOf("playlistId"),
childColumns = arrayOf("userCreatorId")])
data class Playlist(
@PrimaryKey val playlistId: Long,
val userCreatorId: Long,
val playlistName: String
In this scenario is not needed to create a new Class joining both Entities? Also, I don't understand why ForeignKey, parentColumns and childColumns must be of type array. Shouldn't in this case be parentColumns an array and childColumns a Long (as we have one - to many relation)?
As in this documentation, the relation is done via @Embedded tag. In this scenario is not needed to set a ForeignKey? How to do a ondelete cascade if needed?
This approach is for retrieving data, to make Room generate queries for you. To do onDelete Cascade etc you need a ForeignKey.
Does the UserWithPlaylists needs the @Entity tag?
In this scenario is not needed to create a new Class joining both Entities? Also, I don't understand why ForeignKey, parentColumns and childColumns must be of type array. Shouldn't in this case be parentColumns an array and childColumns a Long (as we have one - to many relation)?
You need some class for every query result, so if you want to query something from both tables, you will need to create one. There is also many-to-many relations support, so you might need multiple keys.
Both approaches are usually used, they do not exclude, but complement each other.