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Presto Build JSON Array with Different Data Types

My goal is to get a JSON array of varchar name, varchar age, and a LIST of books_read (array(varchar)) for EACH id

books_read has following format: ["book1", "book2"]

Example Given Table:

id name age books_read
1 John 21 ["book1", "book2"]

Expected Output:

id info
1 [{"name":"John", "age":"21", "books_read":["book1", "book2"]}]

When I use the following query I get an error (All ARRAY elements must be the same type: row(varchar, varchar)) because books_read is not of type varchar like name and age.

select id, 
                            ('name', name),
                            ('age', age),
                            ('books_read', books)
                            ]) AS JSON)) AS info
                from tbl
                group by id

Is there an alternative method that allows multiple types as input to the array?

I've also tried doing MAP_CONCAT(MAP_AGG(name), MAP_AGG(age), MULTIMAP_AGG(books_read)) but it also gives me an issue with the books_read column: Unexpected parameters for the function map_concat


  • Cast data to json before placing it into the map:

    -- sample data
    WITH dataset (id, name, age, books_read) AS (
        VALUES (1, 'John', 21, array['book1', 'book2'])
    -- query
    select id,
                array [ 'name', 'age', 'books_read' ],
                array [ cast(name as json), cast(age as json), cast(books_read as json) ]
            ) as json
        ) info
    from dataset


    id info
    1 {"age":21,"books_read":["book1","book2"],"name":"John"}