I try to filter Microsoft Booking webapi customer endpoint (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/bookingbusiness-list-customers?view=graph-rest-1.0) using the 1.0 C# Graph SDK based on customer email attribute, but the query always fails with invalid filter clause. This is the filter expression:
var filterexpression = $"emailAddress eq 'stackoverflow@gmail.com'";
This is the query which using it:
var customersCollection = await Resilience.Retry(() => _serviceClient.Solutions.BookingBusinesses[bookingbusiness].Customers
Is filtering supported on bookings api endpoints, and if yes, what is went wrong here?
From the test in Graph Explorer only id
property supports filtering.
Other properties like displayName
, emailAddress
, addresses
and phones
are not filterable right now.