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Mocking an object returned from private method in java

I have a requirement where i want to mock an object that is return from private method. I am working with junit and mockito in my project. I can not paste the actual code here but sample code will look like this. Limitation here is that the code is legacy one and I can not refactor as of now

Class to test

 public class TestService {

   public String test() {
     TestDao testDao = getDaoObject();
     int num = testDao.getData();
     if (num < 10) {
       return "hey you loose";
     } else {
       return "hey you win";

   private TestDao getDaoObject() {
     return new TestDao();

Dao Class

public class TestDao {

  public int getData() {
    return 5;

Test class

 public class JUnitServiceTestExample {
   public void test() {
     TestDao testDao = Mockito.mock(TestDao.class);
     TestService test = new TestService();
     assertEquals(test.test(), "hey you win");

Please help


  • You could slightly modify the getDaoObject from private to package-private like below:

    TestDao getDaoObject() {
       return new TestDao();

    Then use Mockito.spy(new TestService()) to stub the getDaoObject() and return your mocked testDao.

     public class JUnitServiceTestExample {
       public void test() {
         TestDao testDao = Mockito.mock(TestDao.class);
         TestService test = Mockito.spy(new TestService());
         String result = test.test();
         assertEquals("hey you win", result);

    And a tip for you: the correct usage of assertEquals is assertEquals(expected, actual) not assertEquals(actual, expected)