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Lerna error: cannot find module during CI build

I have a monorepo using Lerna that I trying to build with Gitlab CI. Running lerna run build locally builds everything successfully.

The Dockerfile that Gitlab tries to execute looks a bit like this:

FROM node:16 AS common
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN yarn global add lerna
COPY . . 

RUN lerna bootstrap --include-dependencies
RUN lerna link

RUN yarn

# yarn build === lerna run build
RUN yarn build

Which results in the following errors:

Cannot find module '@project/common' or its corresponding type declarations.
import { SomeClass } from '@project/common';

Is there any step I am missing? Thanks in advance!


  • I was able to fix this issue by changing the Dockerfile. Running yarn before running lerna bootstrap and removing yarn build resolved the errors.

    My Dockerfile now looks like this:

    FROM node:16 AS common
    WORKDIR /usr/src/app
    RUN yarn global add lerna
    COPY . . 
    RUN yarn
    RUN lerna bootstrap --include-dependencies

    I can definitely attribute the errors to my limited knowledge of Lerna, but I hope this answer can still help others with similar issues.