I am trying to automate one scenario using Cucumber.
Step Then Create item
actually takes values from first row only.
What I want to do is execute step Then Create item
2 times, before moving to step Then assigns to CRSA
But my code is taking values from first row only (0P00A). How to take values from both rows?
Background: Application login
Given User launch the application on browser
When User logs in to application
Scenario: Test
Then Create item
| Item ID | Attribute Code | New Value | Old Value |
| 0P00A | SR | XYZ21 | ABC21 |
| 0P00B | CA | XYZ22 | ABC22 |
Then assigns to CRSA
@Then("Create item")
public void createItem(DataTable dataTable) {
List<Map<String, String>> inputData = dataTable.asMaps();
You can use foreach like below:
List<Map<String, String>> inputData = dataTable.asMaps();
for (Map<String, String> columns : inputData ) {
columns.get("Item ID");
columns.get("Attribute Code");