Here's the bit of code that I was working on. I am using MSAL
for two SSO
apps on same domain
for example
and please see the code snippet below.
App 1 seems to be fine it allows user to sign in correctly.However, on app2 when I reload the page it throws an error
MSAL: InteractionRequiredAuthError: no_tokens_found: No refresh token found in the cache. Please sign-in.
I have used instance.acquireTokenRedirect
and identityInstance.loginRedirect()
but nothing seemed to work. Any ideas please share. Thanks.
const [userName, setUsername] = useState<string | undefined>()
useEffect(() => {
const fetchDetaiils = async () => {
if (inProgress === InteractionStatus.None) {
try {
const signedInUser = identityInstance.getAllAccounts()[0]
const resp = await identityInstance.acquireTokenSilent({
scopes: [''],
const token: Token = resp?.idTokenClaims
} catch (err: unknown) {
if (err instanceof Error) {
if (err?.name === 'InteractionRequiredAuthError') {
// await instance.acquireTokenRedirect(loginRequest)
As described in these Microsoft Docs, SSO between apps requires the use of either the login_hint or sid (session ID) parameters in the silent request.
The values of login_hint and sid can be extracted from the ID Token that is obtained in App 1. For more information, please consult the MSAL Browser Login Docs