i been learning lots about three js with react which use react-three/fiber right now i am learning how to use points to make a simple grid which fill with circle image that i just imported but for some reason it wont render any of the object i been looping from my Points pass too my Buffer Geometry component am quite confused what i did wrong and i didn't see any error in my console or terminal log. can anybody help me by giving a tips or explanation of what i did wrong here, thanks here's my code hope it help.
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import {Canvas, useLoader} from "@react-three/fiber";
import { Suspense } from 'react';
import circleImg from "./asset/circle.png";
import * as THREE from "three";
import { useMemo } from 'react';
function Points(){
const CircleImg = useLoader(THREE.TextureLoader,circleImg)
const count = 100;// number point accross one axis ini akan generate point 10.00 dimana count hanya 100 karena multiply
const sep = 3; //merupakan distance dari tiap point
let positions = useMemo(()=>{
let positions =[]
for(let xi=0; xi<count; xi++){
for(let zi=0; zi<count; zi++){
let x = sep * (xi - count / 2);
let z = sep * (zi - count / 2);
let y = 0;
return new Float32Array(positions);//merupakan array yang sesuai dengan buffer
},[count,sep])//ini dibuat menjadi 1d array dikarenakan bufferAtribute tidak dapat menggunakan 2d array maka dari itu position array akan menjadi seperti [x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x....]
return (
<bufferGeometry attach="geometry">
attachObject={['attributes','position']}//attribute parameter yang akan dikontrol
count={positions.length / 3} //
itemSize={3}//dikeranakan telah diketahui bahwa tiap arraytype axis akan berisi 3 value pada 1d array
<pointsMaterial attach="material" map={CircleImg}
sizeAttenuation //merupakan parameter yang menscale object berdasarkan perspective camera
alphaTest={0.5} //merupakan thresshold saat rendering untuk mencega bila opacity dibawah value alphatest
function AnimationCanvas(){
return (
<Canvas camera={{position:[100,10,0],fov:75}}>
<Suspense fallback={false}>
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<AnimationCanvas />
export default App;
it seems there's a change on attach element on react-three/fiber i fix this code by using this
attach="attributes-position" // <- new attributes attach