{ "Data":"i need , to do the transformation / but I am not able " }
I need to remove special characters using jsonata
The final output like be "IneedtodothetransformationbutIamnotable"
Please help me to find solutions
I believe this is what you're looking for:
Link to solution in JSONata playground: https://www.stedi.com/jsonata/playground?statev2=eJw1jc0KwjAQhF9lWDxUiNTfS8WbF5%2BhqbBtVy20SUlSEI3vbgp6GmaYb6YsydvJNUKK5Dk68b6zJhmO67hJ%2BoamMwfWVGjqYERaKASL1iI8BMGx8TfrBg4JRI56CriABxgbwHUvaQAfPW9m2gALJ%2Ff0hOKEvLzy6lXlx18%2B9txINr%2Bpf00lWtNSm2XibdzGXdxTpehA1RfxMDne
$regexp := /[^a-zA-Z]/;
$replace(Data, $regexp, "")
function can take a regular expression as an argument. In this example, [^a-zA-Z]
is matching anything that's not a letter between a-z (lower/uppercase).