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disable two buttons after clicking reject/close

My task is to be able to disable the approve and return buttons after clicking the reject button. Reject button means closing a project. These are my codes. Can anybody help me figure out how to disable the buttons?this is what the button looks like.

<div class="text-center ">
    <button class="btn m-1 align-items-center btn-success text-center " id="approve">Approve</button>   
    <button class="btn btn-danger m-1 align-items-center text-center " id="clear" onclick="sweetalertrejects()">Reject</button>
    <button class="btn btn-secondary m-1 align-items-center text-center" id="return">Return</button>       
                        function sweetalertrejects(){
                            swal("This button means closing the task. You will not be able to revert this action. Do you wish to continue?", {
                                icon: "info",
                                  buttons: {
                                    cancel: "Cancel",
                                    catch: {
                                      text: "Yes, close this task",
                                      value: "cancel",
                                .then((value) => {
                                  switch (value) {
                                    case "cancel":
                                      swal("Closed!", "Task has been closed.", "success");
                                      swal("Task has not been closed.");



  • You can get the buttons by id and disable them as follows:

    document.getElementById("approve").disabled = true;
    document.getElementById("return").disabled = true;

    Here is whole code

    function sweetalertrejects(){
    swal("This button means closing the task. You will not be able to revert this action. Do you wish to continue?", {
      icon: "info",
      buttons: {
        cancel: "Cancel",
        catch: {
          text: "Yes, close this task",
          value: "cancel",
      .then((value) => {
      switch (value) {
        case "cancel":
          swal("Closed!", "Task has been closed.", "success").then(()=>{
          document.getElementById("approve").disabled = true;
          document.getElementById("return").disabled = true;
          swal("Task has not been closed.");