I have a script which contains 2 async functions. The first one gets Geo Location data from a promisified navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPostition
and then does reverse Geo Location using geocode.xyz. I have the whole function in a try/catch block which then does a console.log of the error, if one is generated. I am able to generate an error by modifying the url to one that cannot be resolved. So far, this is working fine.
The problem is when I am calling that async function from another async function. In the second function, I also have a try/catch block, the problem is, the catch never gets executed.
My goal is to create a TextNode with the error and append it to a div, instead of appending the Geo Location data to the div. Here is my JS code:
const options = {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
const getPosition = () => {
return new Promise((resovle, reject) => {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(resovle, reject, options);
const getAddress = async () => {
try {
const pos = await getPosition();
const { latitude: lat, longitude: lng } = pos.coords;
const resGeo = await fetch(`https://ggeocode.xyz/${lat},${lng}?geoit=json`);
console.log(`The resGeo response is ${resGeo}`);
const dataGeo = await resGeo.json();
const streetNumber = dataGeo.stnumber;
const streetName = dataGeo.staddress;
const suburb = dataGeo.city;
const address = `${streetNumber} ${streetName}, ${suburb}`;
return address;
} catch (err) {
console.log(`An error has occured: ${err.message}`);
const populateData = async () => {
try {
const address = await getAddress();
const container = document.querySelector(".container");
addressContent = document.createTextNode(`Your address is: ${address}`);
} catch (err) {
errorContent = document.createTextNode(
`An error has occured: ${err.message}`
const showLoader = () => {
const loader = document.querySelector("#loader");
const hideLoader = () => {
const loader = document.querySelector("#loader");
const button = document.querySelector("#button");
button.addEventListener("click", populateData);
Here are 2 code pens - fetch working and force error (wrong DNS name)
The problem is when I am calling that async function from another async function. In the second function, I also have a try/catch block, the problem is, the catch never gets executed.
If you mean that the catch
block in populateData
never gets triggered by an error in getAddress
, that's because you've explicitly handled the error with a try
in getAddress
. This is no different than with synchronous functions: If you handle the error, it stops propagating up the call chain.
Don't handle the error (usually you don't want to handle errors anywhere but in the entry point functions — event handlers and such) so that it propagates
If you need to handle it in getAddress
, either re-throw it from the catch
in getAddress
or have getAddress
return a failure value (null
for instance).
But your catch
handler in getAddress
just logs and suppresses the error, so #1 would be the way to go.