How does Spring Data's findBy decide which database record to return if there are multiple matches?
I realised if I have more than one entry in my Elastic Search database with the same attribute code (ie: "123"), Spring only returns one entry when I call a 'findByAttributeCode'.
If I use a findById, its self explanatory as Id's are unique, however with other findBys, there can be many matches. Note: attributeCode is NOT unique.
How does Spring decide which one to return?
My call would be something like this:
Attribute attribute = findByAttribute(attributeCode);
The repo would look like this:
public interface AttributeRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Attribute, String> {
Attribute findByAttributeCode(String attributeCode);
This is taken from the return type that you define for your function. If you specify a collection, all matching documents are returned for your query.
If you define a single object as return type, the first entry returned from the underlying store - here Elasticsearch - is returned. What this first entry is, depends on your query criteria, sort parameters - whatever Elasticsearch returns first, is returned to the caller.