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How do I check which error occurred in getUserMedia()?

I'm trying to check if a user has a camera.

The MediaDevices.getUserMedia() documentation says that there are 2 possible errors: SecurityError and NotFoundError

Is there a way to detect which one of the two occurred, and do separate things for each one?

   video: true
.then(function() {
   //do something
.catch(function(error) {
   //if error = security error, do something
   //if error = camera not found, do something else


Probably not the best way but it works for me:

            video: true
          .then(function() {
            //do stuff
          .catch(function(error) {
            if(error.message.includes("Requested device not found")) //do stuff
            else if(error.message.includes("Permission denied")) //do other stuff


  • I think it is not true way but it can works.

    if(error.includes("something from security error message"){
     //do something about security
    } else if(error.includes("something from camera error message"){
     //do something about camera

    Errors can be a different types (object, string). First we should look our error.