I could simply vice versa the code to be executed by the if and else. And === is more easier to use compared to !== so why is the not equal operator used?
function equality( number ){
if ( number === 7 ){
return "it's equal"
} else { return "not equal"}
function nonEquality( number ){
if ( number !== 7 ){
return "it's not equal"
} else { return "it's equal"}
You cannot use conditional statements to convert the operators for most common cases. In your example, it would be easy and readable to convert the non-equal operator to equal operator by using if-else. But what if a condition like this?
if(i > 4 && i < 10 && i !== 8)
Do you want to apply converting logic here to replace the non-equal operator? The more you convert, then more complicated and unreadable your code is.