I have the following function that I use in a RPC (Remote Procedural Call) within which I attempt to access a JSON object's optional text field and cast it to a UUID:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_wcomponent (item wcomponents)
returns wcomponents
language plpgsql
security definer
SET search_path = public
as $$
existing wcomponents%ROWTYPE;
UPDATE wcomponents
modified_at = now(),
title = item.json::json->'title',
type = item.json::json->'type',
-- Following line errors
attribute_id = (item.json::json->'attribute_wcomponent_id')::text::uuid,
json = item.json
WHERE id = item.id AND modified_at = item.modified_at;
-- Get the latest value
SELECT * INTO existing FROM wcomponents WHERE id = item.id;
return existing;
However it errors on casting the text to uuid with the error:
invalid input syntax for type uuid: ""310edbfb-0af1-411b-9275-3fc87948c3a5""
Where I post it a JSON object of the following structure:
"item": {
"base_id": 18,
"id": "27e46ec1-3d9a-412d-9807-8e08e515988d",
"json": {
"id": "27e46ec1-3d9a-412d-9807-8e08e515988d",
"title": "",
"type": "state_value",
"attribute_wcomponent_id": "310edbfb-0af1-411b-9275-3fc87948c3a5"
"modified_at": "2022-04-23T22:11:13.533Z"
is optional, so this works fine when its undefined
as it will just be absent.
How do I successfully cast it from a json text attribute to uuid? It seems the text string is quoted as "310edbfb-0af1-411b-9275-3fc87948c3a5"
rather than just 310edbfb-0af1-411b-9275-3fc87948c3a5
You need to use the ->>
operator to return your attribute_wcomponent_id
value as text
, rather than json
. Then the conversion to type text
prior to uuid
is not necessary, and you no longer have the double quoting issue that you are seeing.
attribute_id = (item.json::json->>'attribute_wcomponent_id')::uuid