I have a date in cell A1
for example: 12/08/22
I want create a list with all days of the month (1-31) in column E
using the month
and year
of the cell A1
as parameter.
Dim r As Range, i As String, j As Long
i = Range("A1").Offset(0, 1).Value = Left(cell.Value, 3)
'k = ????
j = 31
For Each r In Range("E1:E31")
r.NumberFormat = "@"
r.Value = Format(DateSerial(k, i, j), "dd/m/yy")
j = j + 1
Next r
End Sub
I'm stucked in how to extract the the month and year. I was trying using the position of the characteres as parameter, but i'm not getting it work.
should extract the 4,5 and characterer returning 08
(ok, the code is wrong i was making some tests).
should extract the 7,8 charachter returning 22
Someone can help me?
Please, try using the next way. It does not need iteration:
Sub testCreateWholeMonth()
Dim D As Date, lastD As Long
D = Range("A1").value
lastD = Day(WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(DateSerial(Year(D), Month(D), 1), 0))
With Range("E1:E" & lastD)
.value = Evaluate("date(" & Year(D) & "," & Month(D) & ",row(1:" & lastD & "))")
.NumberFormat = "mm.dd.yyyy"
End With
End Sub