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301 Redirect using Response Header fails to redirect properly

I'm attempting to implement a 301 redirect for purposes of url rewriting/SEO optimization. I'm performing these redirects within a module of my VB.NET website.

When I specify a new location in the header it always appends the new location onto the existing url instead of completely replacing it or using a relative path. So instead of a nice URL I get a combination of both:

Here is the code that I'm using for the redirect:

httpContext.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
httpContext.Response.AddHeader("Location", "")

I've attempted to use relative ~/ paths with no success. I'm guessing that I'm doing wrong that is very simple. Please help! Thanks in advance.


  • Are you trying to do this after ASP.NET has already started filling the response buffer? Try calling Response.Clear() first.