Search code examples

Datagrid paging align right

I have a datagrid and I set up the paging based on how many rows there are like this

With dgBookings
    .AllowPaging = True
    .PagerStyle.Mode = PagerMode.NumericPages
    .PagerStyle.PageButtonCount = 5
    .PageSize = 5
   End With

Is there a way to set the horizontal-align in the code too I tried adding this

    .PagerStyle.HorizontalAlign = Right

and I get this error

Argument not specified for parameter 'Length' of 'Public Function Right(str As String, Length As Integer) As String'.

Any ideas?



  • It should be

    .PagerStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right

    You need to indicate that it's an enumerator value.