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Laravel when sending mail giving unparenthesized expressions error

I am trying to send mail but it is giving this error:

The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both '.' and '+'/'-' will change in PHP 8: '+'/'-' will take a higher precedence

following is my code in controller

                    where("organization_id", $billing->organization_id)
                    ->permission([ Permission::BILLINGS_FULL_ACCESS ])
                    ->map(function($employee) use($billing) {
                        Mail::to($employee->work_email)->send(new BillingMail($billing));

and this my mail code:

class BillingMail extends Mailable

{ use Queueable, SerializesModels;

protected $billing;

 * Create a new message instance.
 * @return void
public function __construct($billing)
    $this->billing = $billing->load("organizations", "purchases");

 * Build the message.
 * @return $this
public function build()
    $pdf = new BillingPDF();
    $pdfName = "Invoice-" . $this->billing->id + 20220301;

    $email = $this->subject("Tankhwa billing")
                ->attachData($pdf->Output('S', $pdfName), $pdfName, [
                    'mime' => 'application/pdf'
                    "billing" => $this->billing
    return $email;

my other mail are sending which have used same logic but this one is giving error please someone help.


  • The problem is likely encountered in this line

    $pdfName = "Invoice-" . $this->billing->id + 20220301;

    Try changing it to

    $value = $this->billing->id + 20220301;
    $pdfName = "Invoice-" . $value;

    More information: The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both '.' and '+'/'-' will change in PHP 8: '+'/'-' will take a higher precedence