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set initalValues in nested dynamic form | Antd

I've created the sandbox below hoping someone can help me.

What I need to do is basically load the ingredients array as initialValues of Form.List.

Is that possible? If yes, how?

I'd really appreciate any help.



  • Use initialValues prop in Form to initialize fields. Since you named your FormList as users. You can set the values like this:

    initialValues={{ users: ingredients }}

    Now your field looks like this:

        name={[name, "first"]}
        rules={[{ required: true, message: "Missing first name" }]}
            <Input placeholder="First Name" />

    The most thing is the name attribute name={[name, "first"]}. In ingredients array, each object have the following keys: key, id, & amount. Suppose you want to show id & amount in each input. You specify the field path using [name, "id"]. where name presents the index of array & id is the key of object in an array. Antd will automatically get the value if it's available in that array.

    I just make few changes changes like proper naming keys,... according to the data

    Complete Code

    import { Form, Input, Button, Space, InputNumber } from 'antd';
    import { MinusCircleOutlined, PlusOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
    const ingredients = [
            key: 0,
            name: 'Wheat Flour',
            amount: 1000
            key: 1,
            name: 'Sugar',
            amount: 800
    export default function App() {
        return (
            <Space style={{ display: 'flex', margin: 36 }} align='baseline'>
                    initialValues={{ ingredients: ingredients }}
                    <Form.List name='ingredients'>
                        {(fields, { add, remove }) => (
                                {{ key, name, ...restField }) => (
                                    <Space key={key} style={{ display: 'flex', marginBottom: 8 }} align='baseline'>
                                            name={[name, 'name']}
                                            rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Missing ingredient' }]}
                                            <Input placeholder='Ingredient' />
                                            name={[name, 'amount']}
                                            rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Missing Amount' }]}
                                            <InputNumber placeholder='Amount' />
                                        <MinusCircleOutlined onClick={() => remove(name)} />
                                    <Button type='dashed' onClick={() => add()} block icon={<PlusOutlined />}>
                                        Add field
                        <Button type='primary' htmlType='submit'>