I have an array of 128 booleans that represent bits. How can I convert these 128 bit representations into 16 bytes?
I have an array that looks like this:
(Converted to 1s and 0s to be more concise)
I need to convert those bits to the following byte array:
99 48 139 178 211 69 27 76 132 0 35 255 67 231 190 249
EDIT: This doesn't seem to work:
public byte[] ToByteArray() {
int numBytes = Count / 8;
if (_bits.Count % 8 != 0) numBytes++;
byte[] bytes = new byte[numBytes];
int byteIndex = 0, bitIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _bits.Count; i++) {
if (_bits[i])
bytes[byteIndex] |= (byte)(1 << bitIndex);
if (bitIndex == 8) {
bitIndex = 0;
return bytes;
It outputs:
198 12 209 77 203 162 216 50 33 0 196 255 194 231 125 159
The code is treating the first bit as the low bit of the word, so you end up with each word reversed. As a quick-and-dirty fix, try this:
bytes[byteIndex] |= (byte)(1 << (7-bitIndex));
That puts the first bit in the array at the highest position in the first byte, etc.