I have an angular 13 application with ESLint already in place.
I have added ngrx store and dev tools using
ng add @ngrx/store
ng add @ngrx/store-devtools
commands. now when I try to add store
ng g store shared/Shared --module shared.module.ts
I get an error
An unhandled exception occurred: Schematic "store" not found in collection "@angular-eslint/schematics".
.eslintrc file has changes
"files": [
"extends": [
and angular.json has this entry
"cli": {
"defaultCollection": "@angular-eslint/schematics"
how can I retain ESLint and make ngrx work with it ?
The default collection should be the one from NgRx, or you should execute the schematic by explicitly adding the schematic.
"cli": {
"defaultCollection": "@ngrx/schematics"
ng generate @ngrx/schematics:store shared/Shared --module shared.module.ts