here I have an array like below, then I will send this data to the API as shown below
assignStudents: [
isAssigned: true,
userID: "xxxxx",
fullname: "John 1",
acadOrg: "DRM",
acadPlan: "Strategy & Growth"
isAssigned: true,
userID: "xxxxx",
fullname: "John 2",
acadOrg: "DCS",
acadPlan: "Computer Science"
isAssigned: false,
userID: "xxxxx",
fullname: "John 3",
acadOrg: "DRM",
acadPlan: "Strategy & Growth
academicTermID: ""
I have a problem when posting data, so I must first choose the data to be posted, namely userIDand acadOrg.
My question is how to filter the keys inside an object wrapped in an array?
You could use to keep only the object keys you need before you post the data. Working snippet below.
var data = {
assignStudents: [
isAssigned: true,
binusID: "1640000616",
acadOrg: "DRM",
acadPlan: "Strategy & Growth"
isAssigned: true,
binusID: "0660003053",
fullname: "AFAN GALIH SALMAN",
acadOrg: "DCS",
acadPlan: "Computer Science"
isAssigned: false,
binusID: "BN001047135",
fullname: "AGUNG YUNANTO",
acadOrg: "DRM",
acadPlan: "Strategy & Growth"
academicTermID: ""
data.assignStudents = => {
return {binusianID: e.binusID, acadOrg: e.acadOrg};