I have the code below for importing a workbook, exclude specific worksheets in the workbook, work on some conditions and then export a single worksheet. Everything works except that it doesn't exclude some of the worksheets specified in the "Get-ExcelSheetInfo" line.
$param = @{
Path = $inputfileName
StartRow = 5
HeaderName = 'Setting', 'Current settings', 'Proposed settings', 'Notes'
# Loop and obtain worksheets in workbook
Get-ExcelSheetInfo -Path $inputfileName | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "Sheet1" -and $_.Name -notlike "Sheet3" -and $_.Name -notlike "Sheet5" -and $_.Name -notlike "Sheet8" -and $_.Name -notlike "Sheet11" -and $_.Name -notlike "Change Record" -and $_.Name -notlike "LIST"} | ForEach-Object {
# Set the worksheetname name in $param
$param['WorksheetName'] = $_.Name
# Import the worksheet and enumerate it
foreach($line in Import-Excel @param) {
$currSettings = $line.'Current settings'
$propSettings = $line.'Proposed settings'
# If the value of 'Current Settings' cell is equal to the adjacent value of
# 'Proposed Settings' cell OR is empty (white spaces), skip and go to next iteration
if($currSettings -eq $propSettings -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($currSettings)) {
# If we're here, condition before this was not true, hence we want to
# Output the line (row) and add a new column (A) with the name of the worksheet the setting was obtained from
$line | Select-Object @{N='Workstream';E={$param['WorksheetName']}}, *
} | Export-Excel -Path $outputfileName -WorksheetName 'Change List' -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -TableName table1 -TableStyle Medium6 -FreezeTopRow -CellStyleSB {
I'm wondering if it may be because some of those sheets are matching conditions from "if($currSettings -eq $propSettings -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($currSettings)) { continue" even though I'm specifying that they should not be imported from the beginning. Any ideas?
The problem seemed to have stemmed from the way the file was launching with an "invoke-item" cmdlet I had in place. I removed that line and used "- Show" at the end of the Export and it's outputting properly now. Not sure how or why that caused an issue.