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Powershell ImportExcel and skip/exclude specific sheets

I have the code below for importing a workbook, exclude specific worksheets in the workbook, work on some conditions and then export a single worksheet. Everything works except that it doesn't exclude some of the worksheets specified in the "Get-ExcelSheetInfo" line.

$param = @{
    Path = $inputfileName
    StartRow = 5
    HeaderName = 'Setting', 'Current settings', 'Proposed settings', 'Notes'
# Loop and obtain worksheets in workbook
Get-ExcelSheetInfo -Path $inputfileName | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "Sheet1" -and $_.Name -notlike "Sheet3" -and $_.Name -notlike "Sheet5" -and $_.Name -notlike "Sheet8" -and $_.Name -notlike "Sheet11" -and $_.Name -notlike "Change Record" -and $_.Name -notlike "LIST"} | ForEach-Object {
    # Set the worksheetname name in $param
    $param['WorksheetName'] = $_.Name
    # Import the worksheet and enumerate it
    foreach($line in Import-Excel @param) {
        $currSettings = $line.'Current settings'
        $propSettings = $line.'Proposed settings'
        # If the value of 'Current Settings' cell is equal to the adjacent value of
        # 'Proposed Settings' cell OR is empty (white spaces), skip and go to next iteration
        if($currSettings -eq $propSettings -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($currSettings)) {
        # If we're here, condition before this was not true, hence we want to
        # Output the line (row) and add a new column (A) with the name of the worksheet the setting was obtained from
        $line | Select-Object @{N='Workstream';E={$param['WorksheetName']}}, *
} | Export-Excel -Path $outputfileName -WorksheetName 'Change List' -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -TableName table1 -TableStyle Medium6 -FreezeTopRow -CellStyleSB {

I'm wondering if it may be because some of those sheets are matching conditions from "if($currSettings -eq $propSettings -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($currSettings)) { continue" even though I'm specifying that they should not be imported from the beginning. Any ideas?


  • The problem seemed to have stemmed from the way the file was launching with an "invoke-item" cmdlet I had in place. I removed that line and used "- Show" at the end of the Export and it's outputting properly now. Not sure how or why that caused an issue.