using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public struct ImageInfo
public Texture texture;
public int width;
public int height;
public class ImagesData : MonoBehaviour
public ImageInfo[] images;
public static Vector2 AspectRatio(float width, float height)
Vector2 scale =;
This is the code for making a serialized dictionary for images which are 2D, how to I make it accept 3D models? I want it to be something like what is in the photo.
This is the code for making a serialized dictionary for images which are 2D
No it is not. What you show is a serialized array of ImageInfo
For what you show in your image you can simply do
public class ModeInfo
public string Id;
public GameObject Value;
public class ModelsDataManager : MonoBehaviour
public ModeInfo[] InteractionModes;
Or if you want it a bit further with supporting some of the dictionary functionalities
public class ModelsDataManager : MonoBehaviour
private List<ModeInfo> InteractionModes;
private bool TryGetInfo(string id, out ModeInfo value)
foreach (var info in InteractionModes)
if (info.Id == id)
value = info;
return true;
value = default;
return false;
// or same thing using Linq (needs "using System.Linq;")
//value = InteractionModes.FirstOrDefault(info => info.Id == id);
//return value != null;
public bool TryGetValue(string id, out GameObject value)
if (!TryGetInfo(id, out var info))
value = default;
return false;
// note that just like in normal dictionaries the value can still be "null" though
value = info.Value;
return true;
public void AddOrOverwrite(string id, GameObject value)
if (!TryGetInfo(id, out var info))
info = new ModeInfo()
Id = id
info.Value = value;
If you really want to go for the entire dictionary functionality including key checks, cheaper value access without iteration etc I would recommend to not implement this from scratch but rather use an existing solution like e.g.
Unity's own one which is hidden in the Core RP Library Package though (comes installed as dependency e.g. with UniversialRenderPipeline or HighDefinitionenderPipeline).
But this is very basic and only for serializing - has no useful Inspector drawer
azixMcAze's Unity-SerializableDictionary (also available as a package)
Has a cool Inspector drawer which even handles duplicate key checks etc.
Note though that Odin Inspector is not free
Or just go ahead and test one of the other many solutions ;)