liquibase : 4.9.0 postgres driver: 42.3.4, 42.3.3 postgres server: 13, 14
liquibase precondition:
<changeSet id="metrics_indexes_v1" author="jim.hunter" dbms="postgresql">
**<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<indexExists indexName="metrics_instance_id_index" tableName="metrics"/>
<createIndex indexName="metrics_instance_id_index" tableName="metrics">
<column name="instance_id"/>
<modifySql context="ENABLE-PARTITIONING">
<append value=" INCLUDE (metric_time, metric_value)"/>
Throws exception:
Caused by: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column am.amcanorder does not exist
Position: 427
I read that table pg_am is not available anymore after postgres 9.5 but looks like liquibase is still looking for it. Is this a liquibase problem? What should be the recommended way to check for index exists condition?
This appears to have been answered previously in PostgreSQL Error: column am.amcanorder doesn't exist
According to the top answer upvoted there, the fix is to update your JDBC driver.