I want to convert between Set of Enum POJO and String[] Database(postgres) column.
and the enum class would be changed by another field type
So I can say Enum class which's using in fooSet
is changable and it's up to field type
I know it's a messy. but I need a help.
Below are models
public interface A {
enum B implements A {
enum C implements A {
public abstract class Foo {
private String type;
public abstract class FooA {
private Set<B> fooSet;
public abstract class FooB {
private Set<C> fooSet;
I want to make a Converter like below.
SetOfEnumConverter<U extends Enum<U> & A> implements Converter<String[], Set<U>> {
public Set<U> from(String[] databaseObject) {
if (databaseObject == null) {
return null;
return Arrays.stream(databaseObject)
.map(x -> U.valueOf(U.class, x)). // here's the problem point
public String[] to(Set<U> userObject) {
if (userObject == null || userObject.isEmpty()) {
return null;
String[] strings = userObject.stream()
return ArrayUtils.isEmpty(strings) ? new String[0]: strings;
public Class<String[]> fromType() {
return String[].class;
public Class<Set<U>> toType() {
return (Class) TreeSet.class;
But the problem is I can't point .class
attribute from a generic type maybe because of Generic Type erasure.
So, What I want to do is mapping the setEnum class to be used in the field fooSet according to the field type. Because I have to make a single table for Foo and map from FooA, FooB and FooZ.
You can't do this without passing an actual Class<U>
reference to your converter, e.g. like this:
SetOfEnumConverter<U extends Enum<U> & A> implements Converter<String[], Set<U>> {
final Class<U> u;
SetOfEnumConverter(Class<U> u) {
this.u = u;
// ...
And inside of the converter, you can use:
Enum.valueOf(u, x)
To look up arbitrary enum values by their names. Then, instantiate it with e.g.
new SetOfEnumConverter<>(MyEnum.class);