Hello I am trying to find the index of the element in an array using map so that eventually I can create a onClick function that will change the image based on that index.
However when I add index to my map function I then get an error stating that the img is not defined.
const currentIndex = 0;
const gallery =
product.images.length > 1 ? (
<Grid gap={2} columns={5}>
{product.images.map(img, index => (
) : null;
The above code displays a list of thumbnail size images. I would like to eventually be able to click on each image and have the larger image appear.
Code for the larger image is below.
Simple parenthesis fix:
const currentIndex = 0;
const gallery =
product.images.length > 1 ? (
<Grid gap={2} columns={5}>
{product.images.map((img, index) => (
) : null;
Make sure to not pass two values, but one value to Array.map: a function with its own optional parameter called 'index'
Consider expanding your work to a function that you can just reference, to make life easier, and code more legible, like this:
const currentIndex = 0;
const mapper = (img, index) => (
<GatsbyImage image={img.gatsbyImageData} key={img.id} alt={product.title} />
const gallery =
product.images.length > 1 ? (
<Grid gap={2} columns={5}>
) : null;
See more here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map#syntax