Here is some sample data in a Google Sheet:
I would like to return the sum of Pick Up if a column contains Pick Up, and the sum of Actuals if it doesn't (in that case all texts in the column would be Actuals).
Here is the formula I have tried: In this case when the ( "Pick up" Sum range is all 0, it returns it as False but I need it to be $0.00)
SUMIFS(C1:C5,B1:B5,"Pick Up"),
SUMIFS(C1:C5,B1:B5,"Pick Up"),
Take a look at this Google Sheet:
You want to make your condition a COUNTIFS, so that if Pick Up is found in the column it returns the first option and if not the second:
COUNTIFS(B1:B5, "Pick Up")>1,
SUMIFS(C1:C5, B1:B5, "Pick Up"),
SUMIFS(C1:C5, B1:B5, "Actuals")
Actually, the SUMIFS in the second option for Actuals isn't really necessary. If the only thing in the column is Actuals, then you can just use SUM:
COUNTIFS(B1:B5, "Pick Up")>1,
SUMIFS(C1:C5, B1:B5, "Pick Up"),
Hope this helps.
EDIT: based on feedback in the comment. If you want to return the sum of Actuals when there are no Pick Ups, change the sumifs condition to countifs:
COUNTIFS(X97:X126,$D97:$D126,"Pick Up") > 0,
SUMIFS(X97:X126,$D97:$D126,"Pick Up"),
Original answer:
It's a little hard without some actual data, but I think your issue is that if your condition (the sumifs using "Pick Up") returns 0 then that's a falsy value, so it goes to the second output.
SUMIFS(X97:X126,$D97:$D126,"Pick Up"),
SUMIFS(X97:X126,$D97:$D126,"Pick Up"),
Try this instead:
SUMIFS(X97:X126,$D97:$D126,"Pick Up") >= 0,
SUMIFS(X97:X126,$D97:$D126,"Pick Up"),
That way if the sumifs returns 0 (or greater) then you will get an explicitly TRUE value to use in the first part of the if, instead of a number that Excel is going to try to interpret as boolean.