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BLToolkit Output Parameter in DataAccessor

How to map output parameter in SQL to an out parameter in DataAccessor? I've tried to put Direction.Output attribute, but with no luck. Nonworking sample:

public abstract class DocumentAccessor : DataAccessor<DocumentRecord>
    public abstract IEnumerable<DocumentRecord> GetDocuments(
        [ParamName("PageIndex")] int pageIndex,
        [ParamName("PageSize")] int pageSize,
        [ParamName("SortColumn")] string sortColumn,
        [ParamName("SortDirection")] string sortDirection,
        [ParamName("TotalCount"), Direction.Output] out int totalCount);


  • Resolved by changing result type to IList<DocumentRecord>. Looks like BLToolkit generates deferred-execution proxy for IEnumerable<T> signature.