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Why is a local function not always hidden in C#?

What I am showing below, is rather a theoretical question. But I am interested in how the new C#7 compiler works and resolves local functions.

In C#7 (and later) I can use local functions. For example (you can try these examples in LinqPad beta):

Example 1: Nested Main()

void Main()
    void Main()

DotNetFiddle for Example 1

Rather than calling Main() in a recursive way, the local function Main() is being called once, so the output of this is:


The compiler accepts this without warnings and errors.

Example 2: Here, I am going one level deeper, like:

Example2-NestedDeeper DotNetFiddle for Example 2

In this case, I would also expect the same output, because the innermost local function is called, then one level up, Main() is just another local function with a local scope, so it should be not much different from the first example.

But here, to my surprise, I am getting an error:

CS0136 A local or parameter named 'Main' cannot be declared in this scope because that name is used in an enclosing local scope to define a local or parameter

Question: Can you explain why this error happens in Example 2, but not in Example 1?

I thought, each inner Main() would have a local scope and is hidden outside.

Update: Thank you to all who have made contibutions so far (either answers or comments), it is very worthwile what you wrote to understand the behavior of the C# compiler.

From what I read, and after considering the possibilities, what I found out with your help is that it can be either a compiler bug or behavior by design.


We came to the conclusion that it is a design choice, not a bug.

Recall that C# had some design goals which differentiate it from languages like C++.

If you're interested what I have done to investigate it further: I have renamed the innermost function to MainL like:

Example 2b:

void Main()
    void Main()
        void MainL()

This modified example compiles and runs successfully.

Now when you compile this with LinqPad and then switch to the IL tab you can see what the compiler did:


It created the innermost MainL function as g__MainL0_1, the enclosing Main function has the label g__Main0_0.

That means, if you remove the L from MainL you will notice that the compiler already renames it in a unique way, because then the code looks like:

IL_0000:  call        UserQuery.<Main>g__Main0_0
IL_0005:  ret         

IL_0000:  call        UserQuery.<Main>g__Main0_1
IL_0005:  ret         

IL_0000:  ldstr       "Hello!"
IL_0005:  call        System.Console.WriteLine
IL_000A:  ret         

which would still resolve correctly. Since the code doesn't look like this in Example 2, because the compiler stops with an error, I do now assume that the behavior is by design, it is not likely a compiler bug.

Conclusion: Some of you wrote that in C++ recursive resolution of local functions can lead to refactoring issues, and others wrote that this kind of behavior in C# is what the compiler does with local variables (note that the error message is the same) - all that even confirms me thinking it was done like this by design and is no bug.


  • Parameters and local variables from the enclosing scope are available inside a local function.

    I thought, each inner Main() would have a local scope and is hidden outside.

    C# does not overwrite names from the parent scope, so there is and ambiguity for the local name Main which defined in current and parent scopes.

    So in the second example both declaration of void Main() are available for the inner scope and compiler shows you an error.

    Here is an example with variables and local functions which could help you to see the problem in the familiar environment. To make it clear that it is only matter of scope I modified example and added functions to variables to make it clear:

    class Test
        int MainVar = 0;
        public void Main()
            if (this.MainVar++ > 10) return;
            int MainVar = 10;
            Console.WriteLine($"Instance Main, this.MainVar=${this.MainVar}, MainVar={MainVar}");
            void Main()
                if (MainVar++ > 14) return;
                Console.WriteLine($"Local Main, this.MainVar=${this.MainVar}, MainVar={MainVar}");
                // Here is a recursion you were looking for, in Example 1
                // Let's try some errors!
                int MainVar = 110; /* Error! Local MainVar is already declared in a parent scope. 
                    //  Error CS0136  A local or parameter named 'MainVar' cannot be declared in this scope 
                    // because that name is used in an enclosing local scope to define a local or parameter */
                void Main() { } /* Error! The same problem with Main available on the parent scope. 
                    // Error CS0136  A local or parameter named 'Main' cannot be declared in this scope 
                    // because that name is used in an enclosing local scope to define a local or parameter */
            Main(); // Local Main()
            this.Main(); // Instance Main()
            // You can have another instance method with a different parameters
            // But you can't have a local function with the same name and parameters do not matter
            void Main(int y) { } // Error! Error CS0128  A local variable or function named 'Main' is already defined in this scope
        void Main(int x)
            Console.WriteLine($"Another Main but with a different parameter x={x}");

    There are even the same errors when you try to overwrite local variable and local function.

    So as you can see it is a matter of scopes and you cannot overwrite local function or variable.

    BTW, in a first example you could make recursive call by using this.Main();:

    void Main()
        void Main()
        this.Main(); // call instance method

    Footnote: Local functions are not represented as delegates as some commentators suggest and it makes local functions much leaner in both memory and CPU.