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find docker name in a node.js application running inside docker container

I have a node.js application running inside a docker container with base image node:16-alpine3.11. I want to get the name of the container on which it is running on.

docker ps:

xyz               node

const c_name= //get container name


  • From outside the container

    You can use the docker cli to do this. In the example we filter for ancestor bitnami/redis (in your case this would be node:16-alpine3.11)

    $ docker container ls --filter "ancestor=bitnami/redis" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}"

    This returns the id, name and image of the container as a table. To retrieve the results as a json object, update the format flag like below:

    docker container ls --filter "ancestor=bitnami/redis" --format 'json { "Id":"{{.ID}}", "Image": "{{.Image}}", "Names": "{{.Names}}" }'

    See the handy cli reference docs provided by docker.

    From Inside the Container

    Pass the unix socket to the container and invoke a script to get the container name:

    $ docker run -it -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" origami-duckling:latest

    The Dockerfile for `origami-duckling looks like this:

    FROM node:16-alpine3.11
    WORKDIR /usr/app
    RUN apk add curl jq
    ENV DOCKER_HOST="unix:///run/docker.sock"
    COPY /usr/app/
    CMD /usr/app/

    You would probably run the get-container-name before you use cmd to run the node app in your container.

    The would look like this:

    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    export CONTAINER_NAME="$(curl -s --unix-socket /run/docker.sock http://docker/containers/$HOSTNAME/json | jq '.Name')"

    Update: You can do this from within your node.js app if you need to:

    I'm using got@11.8.3, got 12.x is pure ESM.

    const got = require('got');
    async function getHostName() {
      const metadata = await got(`http://unix:/var/run/docker.sock:/containers/${process.env.HOSTNAME}/json`).json();
      console.log('Container name', metadata.Name);
      return metadata.Name